The Major in Art History
Art History majors begin study in introductory surveys of major artistic achievement from antiquity through the twentieth century, and then deepen their knowledge in courses covering individual aspects and periods. Students are required to take Survey of the History of Art and at least one course in each of the following core areas: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, and Non-Western; one 400-level course; ARH 380 – Interpretive Methods; and ARH 498 – Principles of Research, consisting of the preparation of the thesis in the senior year, which is the culmination of the Art History Program. In addition, students are encouraged to choose from a wide variety of art history electives and to develop programs related to individual interests and backgrounds.
Art History majors are required to take two courses in studio art, so that they will experience and appreciate the methodology of the creative artist. Additionally, reading knowledge of French or German is required, which is demonstrated by taking two college-level semesters of either language.
Art History majors complete a minimum of 42 semester hours of credit (12 departmental courses), including:
- ARH 106 Art History Survey
- ARH 200 Ancient Classical Art
- ARH 204 Medieval Art
- ARH 205 Renaissance Art
- ARH 209 or 304 Modern Art
- ARH103, 104, 118, or 211 Non-Western Art
- ARH 380 Interpretive Methods in Art History
- ARH 498 Principles of Research
- One 400-level seminar
- Art History Elective
- Two studio courses (Visual Design I or II encouraged)
- Two semesters or reading knowledge of a foreign language
The Minor in Art History
The minor in Art History is designed to introduce the student to a broad range of artistic achievement from antiquity to the present. Art History minors complete a minimum of 18 semester hours of credit
(6 departmental courses are required), based on the following three units:
- ARH 106 Art History Survey – 1 semester, 3 credits
- An introductory studio art course (Visual Design I or II encouraged)
- Four additional courses in art history. A basic minor would consist of one course in each of the following areas: Ancient Art, Medieval Art, Renaissance Art, and Modern Art. Total 12 hours, 12 credits.
ARH 200 Ancient Classical Art
ARH 204 Medieval Art
ARH 205 Renaissance Art
ARH 209 or 304 Modern Art
Any variation on the basic program must be worked out with the assigned art history advisor.
Paul Crenshaw, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Lynn Curtis, M.F.A.
Assistant Chair
Kate McNamara, M.A.
Visual Resource Curator
Janice M.DiLustro
Administrative Coordinator