Mission Statement

Photography Critique

Mission Statement

To provide an environment in which the aesthetic, ethical and spiritual dimensions of the whole person are articulated through the interdisciplinary study of human creativity and the practice of visual form.

To provide a core foundation of courses upon which a student and advisor may construct a challenging, rewarding and concentrated field of study which culminates in the thesis project.

To encourage exploration of diverse cultures through the study of languages and a series of courses on the arts of Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and North and South America.

To present a thorough examination of the history of Art from the prehistoric to the contemporary, including the various theoretical methodologies of professional art historians.

To prepare students for advanced study and entry into arts related professional fields.

To afford an awareness of current ideas and issues visual art as they relate to contemporary society.

To have each student acquire the technical skill and experimental vocabulary necessary to complete an original visual statement.

To set a goal of exposing students to the latest technologies available in image production.

To remain alert to the safety of materials used in the classroom.

To institute the evaluation of Department standards and goals through a formal annual review and ongoing dialogue among students and faculty.