Bing Huang

Associate Professor
Department of Art History
Ph.D.- Harvard University
2018 Recognition for Teaching Excellence: Innovation in Teaching
Room: Hunt-Cavanagh 205
Areas of Interest and Expertise:
AI Art | Media, Technology, and Business | Virtual Reality | Art and Technology |Digital Heritage
Chinese Painting | Han Dynasty Tomb and Architecture | Maritime Silk Road | Buddhist Art | China and Europe | The Long Eighteenth-Century
Collaborator and Chinese Art Scholar. “Celestial Cities: Newport and China.” Rosecliff Mansion. September 1, 2023 – February 11, 2024.
Courses taught:
- ARH 219: Art and Tech
- ARH 104: Asian Art (cross-listed with Asian Studies, AST 104)
- ARH 218: Asian Art through VR Games (cross-listed with Asian Studies, AST 218)
- ARH 470 Advance Special Topic: Art, Tech and Innovation: Exploring New Frontiers
- ARH 498: Principles of Research
- HON 220: Liberal Arts Honors: The Dimensions of Art
- ARH 470 Advance Special Topic: Art, Machine and Learning in Eighteenth-Century China
- ARH 270 Special Topic: Chinese Art
Selected Publications:
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Huang, Bing. 2024. “Beyond the Lens: the Telescope’s Influence on Art and Vision in Ming-Qing China.” Ming Qing Yanjiu, 28(2), 183-209.
Chen, Yushu, and Bing Huang. 2024. “Constructing British Selfhood through Depictions of China: The Art of the Macartney Embassy” Arts 13, no. 5: 136.
Liu, Guan, and Bing Huang. 2023. “The hybrid origin of the dragon-wrapped column in Han dynasty China” Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 22, no.4: 1970-94.
Chen, Yushu, and Bing Huang. 2023. “Images of Chinese women in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European exotic knowledge books” Women’s History Review.
Chen, Yushu, and Bing Huang. 2022. “The Influence of Daoist Astrology on the Chinese Visual Representation of Tejaprabhā Buddha” Religions 13, no. 11: 1016.
Huang, Bing. 2022. “From God’s Hand to the Hand of the Artisan: The Turned Ivory Sphere and the Polyhedron in Qing China.” Studies in Chinese Religions 8, no. 2: 202–37.
Huang, Bing. 2022. “The Posture of Lalitāsana: Buddhist Posing Hierarchy in a Tang-Dynasty Chinese Bronze Sculpture” Religions 13, no. 8: 740.
Huang, Bing. 2022. “The Religious and Technological History of the Tang Dynasty Spherical Incense Burner” Religions 13, no. 6: 482.
Huang, Bing, Liam Bixby, Ryan Britt, and Nicholas Rich. 2022. “Playing in the Past: Digital Art History in the Age of VR Gaming.” The International Journal of Arts Theory and History 17 (1): 1-23. doi:10.18848/2326-9952/CGP/v17i01/1-23.
Huang, Bing. 2021. “Deciphering the Shi Jun Sarcophagus Using Sogdian Religious Beliefs, Tales, and Hymns” Religions 12, no. 12: 1060.
Huang, Bing. 2021. “Seen from Afar: The Cultural Impact of Telescopes in Eighteenth-Century China.” The International Journal of Arts Theory and History 16 (2): 37-52. doi:10.18848/2326-9952/CGP/v16i02/37-52.
Editor-reviewed Book Chapters
Huang, Bing. 2023. “The Gimbal-Mounted Xiangnang and Its Transmission to the Islamic World during the Yuan Dynasty.” In Worldmaking in East Asian Buddhism, edited by Jinhua Chen and Eugene Wang. Singapore:World Scholastic Publishers.
Huang, Bing. 2019. “Easy on Our Eyes, Easy on Our Brains: VR and the Future of Art History.” In Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of Art History, edited by Dazhen Shao, Di’an Fan, and Qingsheng Zhu, 3:1929–33. Shanghai: The Commercial Press.
Selected Presentations and Panels:
Distinguished Guest and Panelist. Panel “Creative Opportunities in the AI Era”. The 2nd International Chinese Original IP Film Festival. Harvard CamLab and Boston City Hall. Boston, USA. September 20-21, 2024.
Presenter. “AI-Driven Generative Art: Materializing the Intangible and Transforming Memory.” The 34th Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) World Congress of Art History. “Matter Materiality.” Lyon, France. June 23–28, 2024.
Keynote Speaker and Award Recipient – Invited by Rhode Island Senator Linda Ujifusa to deliver the keynote address at the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration at the Rhode Island State House, May 23, 2024.
Keynote Speaker. “Time Unfurled: Cosmic Syzygy and Temporal Representation in Xu Yang’s 1761 Scroll of Syzygy of the Sun, Moon, and the Five Planets.” Harvard Visual China 2024 Graduate Symposium. Time and Temporality in Chinese Art and Culture. Harvard University, Lower Lecture Hall, 485 Broadway, Cambridge, MA. April 19, 2024.
Chair. Mind in the Expanded Field. Medium of the Mind Conference. Harvard University. March 8-9, 2024.
Guest Speaker. “The Celestial City: Newport and China Exhibition and the US-China Trade During the Gilded Age.” Civ Colloquium. DWC 202 C32 The Bricks & Mortar of Civilization: The Comparative History of Retail from Ancient Merchants to Amazon & Alibaba’s Marketplace. Providence College. Feb 5, 2024.
Presenter. “The Celestial City: A Closer Look at Treasures Illuminating China’s Contributions to Newport.” Rosecliff Mansion, Newport, RI. October 26, 2023.
Presenter. The Celestial City: Newport and China, Asia Week New York. Webinar. Tuesday, September 12.
Panel discussant. Harvard Visual China Inaugural Graduate Symposium “Luminosity in Chinese Art & Culture”. Harvard University Department of History of Art and Architecture and Harvard CAMLab. Cambridge, MA. March 24, 2023.
Presenter. “The Famensi Xiangnang and Buddhist Worldmaking.” One Temple, One World. East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking Conference. Glorisun Buddhist Network and Harvard CamLab. Virtual. August 2021.
Panel discussant. Buddhist Worlds through Arts and Literature. East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking Conference. Glorisun Buddhist Network and Harvard CamLab. Virtual. August 2021.
Presenter. “Bird’s-Eye Panoramic View without a Drone: Xu Yang’s ‘Syzygy of the Sun, Moon, and the Five Planets’ Scroll.” Visuality and Knowledge Creation of China’s Great Urban Centers. 2020 Association for Asian Studies Conference. Boston, MA & Virtual. March 2020.
Presenter. “The Armillary in the Boudoir: What is it Doing There.” Chinese Optics: Artful Looking Workshop. Harvard History of Art and Architecture Department and Harvard CAMLab. Cambridge, MA. May 2019.
Presenter. “The Demon’s Work: The Polyhedron and the Mechanized Worldview in Chinese Art.” Ivory All Tedesca: Circulation, Reception, and Knowledge. 2018 Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. March 2018
Organizer. Buddhist Art and the Use of Multimedia Technology Workshop. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. April 2017.
Junior Chair. Session 18: Media and Visuality. The 34th Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA). Beijing, China. September 2016.
Organizer. Cave Visions and Deep Media Symposium. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. Jun 2016.
Organizer. Sha Fei: The Photographer Who Shaped Modern China. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. Jun 2016.
Presenter. “Bewitched and Bothered: Garden as Theatrical Space.” Space in Renaissance Italy Conference. Villa I Tatti and Harvard Center Shanghai. Shanghai, October 2014.
Presenter. “The Posture of Lalitasana: A Case Study of a Buddhist Bronze of the Tang Dynasty”. The Contexts of Buddhist Art: A Graduate Student Workshop. Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts. St. Louis, MO. 10–11 November 2011.
Academic Affiliations and Awards:
2024: Rhode Island Governor’s Certificate of Special Recognition – Acknowledged by Governor Daniel J. McKee for being recognized at the 2024 Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration, May 23, 2024.
2024: Rhode Island Senate Citation – Recognized at the 2024 Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration for outstanding contributions, awarded by the Rhode Island Senate, May 23, 2024.
2021-2024: Research Associate, Harvard CAMLab
2021-2022: Associate in Research, Harvard Fairbank Center (deferred)
Summer 2020: Arts and Sciences Summer Scholars, Providence College
2017-2018: Innovation in Teaching Award, Providence College
2015-2018: Vice President, Harvard Visual China
2016-2017: Media, Literacy and Visualization Fellow, Harvard Derek Bok Center
2017–2018: Harvard Dissertation Completion Fellowship
2017–2018: Fairbank Center Graduate Associate, Harvard University
Summer 2017: Jens Aubrey Westengard Fund, Harvard University
2015–2016: Doctoral Research Fellowship, Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies, Kyoto, Japan
Summer 2016: Harvard Graduate Student Council Summer Research Grant
Summer 2016: Asia Center Summer Research Grant, Harvard University
2015–2016: Harvard Term Time Merit Fellowship
2015-2016: Graduate Fellow, Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies
2014–2015: Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship
Summer 2015: Lee and Juliette Folger Fund, Harvard University
Summer 2014: Fairbank Center Graduate Student Summer Research Grant, Harvard University
Summer 2013: Summer Language Study Grant (for Japanese language study), Reischauer Institute
2010: Shanghai Outstanding Graduates Award. Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.
2009: Charles B. Wang Oil Painting Award.