
Art Major

The studio art program features a strong foundation in the fundamentals of visual art, beginning with the study of two- and three-dimensional design and drawing. A studio art major can pursue a concentration in the following areas: ceramics, digital imaging, drawing, painting, photography (traditional and digital), printmaking, and sculpture. Additionally, the student is required to take two art history courses.

In the second semester of the senior year, all studio art majors present a thesis exhibition. This is a special opportunity for students to exhibit a coherent body of work, complete with artist’s statement, in one of two departmental galleries, and publish their work in the department’s annual Providence College Art Journal.

Art Major Curriculum:

Required Courses

ART 101 – Visual Design 2D- 3 Credits

ART 102 – Visual Design 3D- 3 Credits

ART 111- Drawing Fundamentals- 3 Credits

ARH 106 – Art History Survey- 3 Credits

ARH 209 or 304- Modern Art- 3 Credits

(2) Studio Art electives outside the concentration- 6 Credits

ART 400 – Senior Seminar in Studio Art- 3 Credits

(3) Studio Art courses within the area of concentration- 9 Credits

Studio Art Thesis in the area of concentration- 3 Credits

Art Minor

A studio minor can be had in one of the following areas: ceramics, digital imaging,  drawing, painting,  photography, printmaking, or sculpture. The minor requires twenty-one (21) credit hours of study.

Students must declare a minor in the Studio Art program by the end of their junior year. It is also required that their art work be included in the Art Minor Show during their senior year.

Students enrolled in a minor program in Studio Art will satisfy three categories:

  • Three (3) foundations courses: ART 101 or 102, Design I or II; ART 111, Drawing I; ARH 106, Art History Survey.
  • One introductory studio elective from the following: ART 121, Sculpture I; ART 131, Painting I; ART 141, 142, or 143, Printmaking; ART 151, Ceramics I; ART 171, Photography I.
  • Three (3) courses in one of the following concentrations: Ceramics, Digital Imaging, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, or Sculpture.

Business and Innovation Minor

The business and innovation minor (BIM) at Providence College combines the best of a liberal arts education with contemporary courses in business. This new minor gives non-business majors a fundamental toolkit of valuable business skills, including entrepreneurship and innovation. To learn more about the business and innovation minor visit

Studio Art

Department of Art & Art History

Hunt-Cavanagh Hall

Paul Crenshaw, Ph.D.

Department Chair

Lynn Curtis, M.F.A.

Assistant Chair

Kate McNamara, M.A.

Visual Resource Curator

Janice M.DiLustro

Administrative Coordinator